Friday, September 17, 2010

A Prime Example

    Study's have shown that unemployment rates haven't reached a point this low since the Great Depression. Evidence of this is seen in our own backyard, with panhandlers at every intersection. Is this due to American Prosperity declining? Perhaps it's due to irresponsible government spending? No matter the cause, one thing is for sure, something must be done and soon.
   Rather than work together for the common good of the people, it seems our beloved government spends more time pointing fingers at who's to blame for our present turmoil. With the current administration passing bills left and right, some that seem to work, and others..... Not so much. In the meantime, what are our friends the conservatives doing? Rather than trying to put their two cents in and try to work together for the bettering of the nation, we see them laying blame on the programs that fail.
    My point being, I sincerely wish, for once, the two parties would try to come to some sort of agreement to dig us out of this rut we find ourselves in. Now, im no economic analyst by any means, but you would think with all of the "economic geniuses" the government employs disasters like this one could be overcome.  
This post does not but reiterate my beleifs on the bi-partisan system in todays government.(

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